
New Video (Game hacks video + Time Gap)

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Please Watch Part 1 before sliding this post.

1ˢᵗ Hack (My Gym Offer)

📋Task ↴ ⏳Time gap ↴
Reach Level 13 1-2 Hour
Reach Level 16 12 hours later
Reach Level 19 20 hours later
Reach Level 21 36 hours later
Reach Level 24 50 hours later


  1. Completing one task and time gap should be with app always on or off
  2. off
    1. How to needs script sir
  3. next hack on a game which is available in indian server
  4. Is it need to play game continuously?I mean if Level 1 for 1hr and lvl 2 for 3hr,so i must play game totally (1+3)4hr to get lvl2.
  5. if lvl3 for 24hr, it need to run the game totally (1+3+24=28hr) to get lvl3.right
  6. How can I contact you sir?
  7. what is the password for video
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